Monday, September 26, 2011

Adventure Awaits Ladies

I'd like to start off by saying that today was an extremely busy day. I woke up late with a ton of things to do, went to class and bought a car all before three o clock. Buying a car is a lot of work. And costs an absolute ton of money. I now have more respect for anyone who has done the used car process and lived to talk about it (metaphorically and financially.)

Today an old friend contacted me, asking me if I would take her on a date. Not just any date. For her psychology class she is required to go out on a creative date with someone whom she has gone on previous dates with. She also agreed to pay.

Are you kidding me?!?!

This is amazing. How often does a pretty girl ask you to take her out on a cool date, something you'll both probably enjoy, and offers to pay? This is a dream come true.

Now call me a hopeless romantic but I love going on good dates with girls I enjoy talking to. As I go through life, I am constantly coming up with random things that I'd like to go do with cool girls.

Some dates I've done in the past:

Cliff jumping- While being mildly dangerous, cliff jumping is a good way to get people out of their shell a little bit and is super exhilarating. Not for the feint of heart or for self conscious girls.

Hiking- Hiking is always fun because you can talk to each other, but your both doing something so there isn't any awkward staring or weird times when talking isn't aloud (like movies.)

Kayaking- Kayaking was super fun. It gets you out and experiencing great weather over the water and gives something to do to prevent awkwardness.

Science Center- Sounds lame I know, but think about it. I went with a cool girl who had a sense of wonder and was comfortable with her self enough to show it. Finding common ground with your nerdy sides can be super beneficial.

Comedy Show- Going to a comedy show was great. I love being able to see live talent and it gives you something to laugh about. Being able to laugh together is always important.

As you can see, my dates tend to follow a certain trend. I like to go out and experience the world. I like to experience new things and to be able to share something fun with someone. While a movie can be cool with someone you already know, or someone your just trying to kiss, (refer to kissing post) they aren't very recreational and you really have no time to learn anything about that person.

If you don't have a sense of adventure, your not the girl for me. I need someone who has a sense of adventure and a sense of wonder. Also must be a bit of a geek.

Dates I'd like to try: 

Bungee Jumping- When I find the girl who will jump off of a bridge with me, I will know that I've found true love. I've never been bungee jumping but I'm planning on going as soon as I get the time and money. Bringing a cool girl along for the drive and the jump would be an amazing addition to an already cool trip.

Theatre- Not like a movie theatre, a professional theatre where we can see a romantic play and really enjoy the purity of live acting.

Picnic- EPIC PICNIC! Picnic on the top of camelback mountain or somewhere cool like that. Enjoy a glorious meal of adventure with a side of victory.

Dancing- I know this isn't first date material, but I would love to take a lady out dancing. Cool dancing, not club dancing. Maybe even take some lessons. Wouldn't square dancing be fun?

Anyone have any other date ideas?

For this creative date assignment, I've decided to take her up to Payson, Arizona and hike through the natural land bridge at Tonto national monument. It's a beautiful area, where we can climb, explore and maybe lay down a small picnic with some easy snacks. It isn't too advanced so I don't have to worry about her failing or getting hurt.

Any adventurous ladies out there?!?!
Lets go on a date!

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EDIT: This blog just broke 1000 views. While that is miniscule compared to the real bloggers out there, I'd like to thank everyone who has been reading and following along with what I have to say. You guys are awesome. Give me some feedback!!

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