Friday, September 16, 2011

Set A Standard

Everyone wants to be successful. We all want to live in a beautiful house, drive a cool car and lay down next to an attractive spouse every night. As kids, we all thought we would have these things. They all seem so attainable. We just assume that, like every other aspect of our lives, it would just fall in to place. Things would just happen for us because we are blessed. We have been blessed with everything that we have, from our cell phones, to the clothes on our backs, but it's only by chance that we were born in this insanely blessed country and have so much opportunity before us. 

What I'm slowing learning is that nothing in life is going to come easy. The car, the house, the lovely lady, it's all going to take work. I'm not going to be able to manage these things unless I work my ass off to get them.

I've lived my whole life, up until recently, thinking I could continue to do the bare minimum and have the life that I expect. I have been living under the impression that I am some special circumstance and will definitely be successful, only because of who I am. Well I call bullshit...on my self. I am slowing coming to realize that if i want to be successful, I need to work hard, every single day to better myself. I need to strive for excellence in every aspect of my life or I will miss my target.

We live in a society that creates a false standard for adulthood. We live these teen/young adult years as if they bear no consequence, when what we don't realize is that we are building habits for the future. In gods eyes we are already men and women. He doesn't hold us to a lower standard just because we are so sheltered from real life. We need to work hard every single day so that when our version of adulthood comes around, we will be conditioned to work hard and success will flow naturally from that. 

I have subconsciously set a standard for myself. I am learning the value of hard work and the importance of my studies. I go to school now and I aim to learn. I work to absorb every shred of knowledge that they can provide me. I know I'm going to need it. I am a firm believer that it is the little things in life that build who we are. So if I can strive for excellence with daily things, the big things in life will come naturally.

This was a little more self reflective than some of my other posts, but I wanted to get these thoughts out on paper. Sometimes talking about stuff like this help me to organize it in my own mind.

I'm really having a great time writing these and I'm getting a lot more views than I could have ever expected so thanks to anyone that takes the time to read.

Leave me a comment! 
Let me now what you think!
Anyone else struggling to find a sense of responsibility?

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