Wednesday, September 21, 2011

When I'm dead (If This Was My Last Blog Post)

If I died today.

What would I be leaving behind? What would I regret?
Is there anything I would have wished I could have experienced?

Death is a gloomy subject. This post isn't meant to be.

I want my headstone to read:

Tyler Morian
"He left nothing behind"

I want to welcome death with open arms. I don't want any unfinished business. I don't want unspoken secrets, or any lingering regrets. I want that moment when my whole life flashes before my eyes to filled with joy. This life is shorter than we realize. The older I get, my more apparent it becomes that before I know it, days will fade in to weeks, weeks will fade in to months, months in to years, and soon it will all be gone.

But this isn't supposed to be a sad post!

So what I'd like to talk about is what I hope to accomplish before my day of indefinite departure and why they are important to me.

Find success - I have no idea what I want to do with my life. As of now I'm just living my life 110% and waiting to see what presents its self to me, but whatever I end up doing as a career, my only hope is that I can find a way to master it and continually push myself to greatness.

Experience the World - Living in the U.S. is like living in a bubble...from what I hear. I want to experience the world first hand. I want to see crisis first hand and help to serve those who are in need.

Raise a Family - This is probably every young man's dream. I want to teach them how to throw a baseball, learn patience as they learn how to drive, and eventually either walk her down the aisle, or shake his hand as he tells me that he has found the one and has asked her to marry him.

Build Relationships - I want to love and befriend as many people as I can before I go. Everyone has something to teach me and I want to learn it all.

Build Wisdom - I want to learn everything that this world has to teach me, in order to grow and mature as a person, and be able to communicate this knowledge down to others.

I'm sure as I grow older this list will change. It's probably the most vague bucket list anyone has ever written. Maybe I'll even write a formal bucket list in the future. If I can manage the things on this list, I think I'll be in good shape.

I'm going to try to spice it up for tomorrow's post. I need to take a break from such serious topics.
Anyone have any ideas for a good, opinionated list that I could create for tomorrow?

Maybe music.

Leave a comment!!

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