Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Five Guilty Pleasures

We all have things that we do that we aren't too proud of. Not like these things are absurd or immoral or weird (if your guilty please causes anyone else discomfort then please seek help) but we do them anyway, generally in the privacy of our own home and with that comfort that no one else will know. Well its time to let people know. Its time to spill the beans on my top five guilty pleasures and I encourage you to post a few yourself. DO IT!!

1.) World Of Warcraft - I'm a total nerd. I realize and accept this and pray to God that one day I can find a woman (to my standards) that accepts this too. I'm mostly a casual player and only play when I really have free time so don't expect to see me doing any hardcore raiding in the future, but I sometimes think the fact that I play and aren't all that great at it is almost worse than being a total pro and at least having people respect you for it online. 'Cause we know for damn sure I won't be getting any real-life respect for it.

2.) Children's Movies - I will man up and be honest when I tell you that I cried at the end of Disney/Pixar's movie "UP." Not during the sad parts, but during the end happy scene. Children's films have it down to a science and know exactly what it takes to tug at your heart strings and really reach down in to the core of our values and beliefs. Anyone who passes on a Children's movie thinks to highly of themselves.

3.) Craigslist - I could search Craigslist for hours if I was without distraction. I search endlessly for deals on things I'm really not interested in purchasing, only to be excited that I found a deal. I've been wanting to buy a new motorcycle for the last year or so and have probably spent more time looking at bikes on Craigslist than I will ever spend actually riding one. I know when I decided to purchase a used Fender Stratocaster, I must have had over 10 hours of online searching and at least 5 hours of real shopping accumulated before I even got close to buying. For some reason the thrill of the hunt somehow still applies to bargain shopping, even online.

4.) Snacks - Although I'm currently 6'1, 160 pounds, I know that the way I eat has a negative affect on my overall health. Just recently my mother was diagnosed with type two diabetes. I'm not claiming to be any sort of medical professional, but my understanding of type two diabetes is that it is generally self inflicted and can be prevent with a healthy diet. While my mother may appear healthy, being 5'8 and always under 150 pounds, her body has finally had enough of her diet. This is probably the most serious guilty pleasure but hey..... what kind of college student really cares about the long run.

5.) GLEE - I am a real GLEEK. As lame as that sounds I have watched every episode so far and honestly love every character. I think that is that only reason I can't bring myself to stop watching. I know that the same has done a bit downhill with season two. With all of the constant drama and the focus moving away from adversity and sliding more and more over to Curt's love life. I love the characters and rarely had trouble relating to them (everyone wants to be the underdog.)

Anyone have any guilty pleasure that come to mind when reading mine? Anything too lame to say out loud but cool enough to post here? Lets hear 'em!! 

28 more to go! I need things to write about! 

Future topic ideas:
Bad habits
Fast Food
When I'm dead (if this was my last blog post)
What scares the shit out of me
The Catcher in The Rye
Random songs that I absolutely love (and you will probably hate)
The Hunger Games
The best high school date I never had

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