Saturday, September 24, 2011

Take Life Slow

1. The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective.

We are constantly setting goals in life wether we realize it or not. We say things like "I'd like to go on vacation to San Diego next month." Going to San Diego, laying on the beach, soaking up some rays, that is your objective.

Goals can be good or bad. All depending on what you value in life and what your trying to achieve.

Healthy goal example - "I'd like to gain five pounds of muscle over the next two weeks."
Unhealthy goal example - "I can't wait to get so high on crack tonight"

It is important that we set goals in our life and are continually striving to reach our personal goals.

What we need to avoid is a sense of goal infatuation. How many times have you said something like "I can't wait to graduate"? While this may seem harmless, in reality your wishing your time away. We need to be sensitive to the fact that this life is short. We need to cherish all of the time we have instead of focusing so much on a goal that we lose track of time.

This is a constant problem in my life.

I go to work five days a week. I go to school five days a week. I have become to busy that if I don't keep track of my life, it will pass without any recollection of where the time has gone. I don't want to wake up one day when I'm old and gray (there are two ways to spell grey) and say "Where did the time go?"

Do some thing memorable everyday. This thirty day challenge is doing it for me.

Writing a post every day is helping to keep my life in perspective. It's helping me to live my life day by day, instead of living for a goal and doing my best to speed up its achievement.

So go ahead, set goals for yourself, but don't forget that the coolest part of any achievement is the journey and adventure that you had along the way.

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