Friday, September 23, 2011

Peace One Day

I have recently become infatuated with TED videos. TED is nonprofit organization that focuses on spreading ideas. They hold conferences every year in several locations across the world and have speakers who specialize in awesome things come and talk about their ideas.

If you want to check out TED go to:

Check out some videos.
You will learn something, I promise.

Today I was browsing through some of the "TED talks" videos and came across what seemed like a generic hippie, world peace video, and to my surprise, it was just another hippie, peace video, but it had some serious direction and some insanely ambitious people behind it so I'd like to share it.

If you want to check out the video I'm referring to, you can click this link

The video is seventeen minutes long so I really don't expect anyone to watch it all but the basic premise is that this man, Jeremy Gilley has worked his ass off to convince the whole world to cease fire for one day every 21st of September.

-In 2001 the idea was proposed to the United Nations general assembly and unanimously accepted.

While it was a great accomplishment, officially adding an international cease fire day to the calender, not everyone respects such dates. Underground forces are now Gilley's target. He aims to receive backing from rebel forces such as ELN and the Taliban.

-Immediately after a trip to Afghanistan, Gilley's received a letter from the Taliban, informing him that they intend to comply.

As a result of this small window of opportunity, 1.6 million children were vaccinated against polio that year on the 21st. of september.

I'm not much of a world peace nut, but I can recognize a good cause when I see one and I understand that in order for this cause to be successful it must be recognized universally.

So I have done my duty of sharing with you.
Go tell someone about it!

About 50 people will read this today.
If you everyone tells one other person, this idea will spread like a wildfire.

Now go watch some TED talks.
They will blow your mind!!

Leave a Comment!
Tell me which one you watched and I'll take a look!

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