Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Olivia Munn (Modest Is Hottest)

Olivia Munn. We all know who Olivia Munn is right? Rated number two on Maxims Hot 100. You may not know her for her acting, her comedy skit or her writing, but who could overlook a girl that hot? Most men would falter in any contest to look away. She's absolutely beautiful, she's certainly your type, and hell she's almost naked.

A girl this hot, in a pose as provocative as this, with such little clothing on. Its hard not to stare.

Girls Wait! Don't leave!! This is not an article intended for Maxim!

Guys lets get serious. If you could marry Olivia Munn, would you? Would you take her to be your wife, have your children, and grow old with her?

I know I wouldn't. What's wrong with Olivia Munn? Probably nothing on the outside, but there is something huge missing on the inside.


Olivia Munn has no respect for modesty. She is gorgeous yes, but would I trust a woman like that with the hearts of my children. Hell No! This is huge guys! We all need to understand, that our children will be shaped and molded by their mothers in more ways than we can comprehend. Do you want your daughter to grow up and do things like this? How would you feel? I would feel very disappointed and I would consider myself a failed parent to have a child that cannot respect their body and feels a need to show off their body on every possible occasion.

I want a hot girl. Don't get me wrong. As shallow as that may sound, I am looking for a physically attractive woman, but not one that doesn't appreciate the sacrality of their own body.

Take a look at that! Olivia Munn has covered up most of her body, and is still beautiful. It doesn't take provocative clothing to look good. I understand that no one would go in public dressed like the first picture, but it isn't out of the ordinary for girls to show off a ton of inappropriate skin in public.

Cover up ladies! 

I'm sick of hearing girls complain about their troubled relationships when in reality, the reason your boyfriend is a douchebag, is because you don't respect yourself. Do you really think your going to find prince charming if you don't respect your body? When girls dress provocatively, they are attracting guys that have sexual intentions in mind.

When girls dress modestly, they are more likely to attract less creeps, and more likely to attract quality guys that are more interested in who they are than what's underneath.

...but seriously Olivia Munn is HOT!

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I am awestruck by this powerful movie. If you haven't already, you need to go see the movie Courageous. It is a great christian movie, which some people may not be interested in, but it does a great job of communicating so much beautiful wisdom, about family, friendship, and christianity that I truly believe everyone should see it. Every man at least.

The movie identifies some statistics within the dialogue that helps to draw attention to the lack of leadership that so many families have due to weak fathers.

Here are a few that I found after a quick Google search:

-Young men who grow up without a father are twice as likely to end up in jail at some point in their life.
-63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes
-71% of all high school dropouts are from fatherless homes

These are huge numbers, about very serious topics.

If you would like to take a look at a few more you can check out this link:

The facts do not lie. 

Any idiot can have a child. It's all about stepping up to the plate and being there.

Something that I have heard several times over the years is that
"Ninety percent of being a father is just showing up"

I'm not trying to belittle any fathers out there who may be reading this, I know that being a dad must be hard beyond my comprehension, but I think being there for your children is a good start. So many men are too selfish to put in the time that it takes to raise a child.

Any man without a strong relationship with their children is not only missing out, but depriving that child of so much more than they can imagine.

So this is a call to all men reading this.

Go watch Courageous!

..and try not to cry.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Cut The Drama

Why haven't I posted for the last few days. Two reasons.
1. I have been super busy
2. I haven't felt inspired

Recently, some events in my life have changed my level of inspiration and my level of motivation. I am not a fan of people airing their dirty laundry on the internet so I won't be going in to detail, but I will reflect on what I have learned and hopefully can share a few things that, if applied to your own life, could drastically change how you interact with people.

Is confrontation always necessary? I have been fighting with this question for about two days now. If some one wrongs you, is it always necessary to confront them?

Please do not be confused about how I ask this question. I do not have a problem confronting people.

Confrontation does not intimidate me. 

What I'm trying to avoid here, is useless drama.

After several google searches, I am still left empty handed. The only information people have to provide on the internet about confrontation is how to overcome a fear on confrontation. But what about the people that do not fear it, but do not know if a situation requires confrontation?

If you are the type of person who confronts people too often, your a drama queen. You are searching for the fight and are most likely causing more problems than you are solving.

So I am in search of a happy medium.

After talking to my mother about confrontation, I have taken notes and have tried to build some tips can guide people in their decision.

We must ask ourselves a series of questions:

What are you trying to achieve? - Take a look at what exactly you are trying to achieve through confrontation. If you are trying to hurt someone's feelings, confrontation is unnecessary, and an immature reaction to whatever you may be dealing with. If your goal is productive to a healthy relationship, then confrontation may be necessary.

Who are you confronting? - It is important to look at who you are confronting because of the obvious conclusion that they may not care what you have to say. If some one is important to you, and they value you equally, then confrontation can improve the relation between you. Take a look at how well you know the person, and how you value them.

Will confrontation help you reach your goal - If someone has stolen from you, and you are sure about it, yes confrontation may help you get your stuff back If someone has hurt you, and you want to continue to have a relationship with that person, then they need to know. If someone has wronged you and you no longer want to associate yourself with them, then why confront them? It will only cause more stress for yourself.

Sometimes confrontation is not worth it. It can cause stress for yourself and unless there is a desired, and honorable result that can be achieved through confrontation, then avoid the unneeded stress.

Lastly I would like to lay down a few rules for confrontation that we all should follow.

Privacy - Confrontation should always be done in private. Facebook is not an acceptable place to confront someone. This is only asking for problems and attention.

Face to face - Your body language and tone convey more than you may think. Something said over the phone or over text may sound way different than if done in person.

With love - If you have a legitimate reason to confront someone, it should be to better a relationship with that person, and then confrontation should only be done in love, not anger, not spite.

After a little soul searching and after receiving a little guidance, I have come to the conclusion that I will not be confronting the person that I believe has wronged me. I do not wish to continue my relationship with that person and confrontation would only cause trouble.

What do you think?
Any other rules for confrontation that I may have missed?

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bad Habits

You don't have to be a raging alcoholic or chronic smoker to realize that you have bad habits. These habits, in some ways are easier to fix, only because they are easier to identify. If you smoke cigarettes, everyone around you knows it, you know it, and odds are, someone tells you to stop quite frequently. If you are a pessimist, maybe no one would tell you. Maybe you would never realize it on your own. You could go through your whole life never knowing that your outlook is distorted in a negative way. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that pessimism is a bad habit.

What other bad habits do we have that we may not recognize?
Pessimism is just an example but there are plenty of bad habits that we have that we don't identify and therefore, cannot fix.

One of my better qualities is that I like to think of myself as an innovator. I see things in the world and like to think of ways that they may be done better.

How can we innovate our lives?

What can we add or delete from our lives that will make us better?

I've done my best to create a list of my own bad habits. Some of these I am currently working on. Some I have identified, but have not yet begun to delete from my life.

Procrastination- This is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of bad habits. I have always been a procrastinator. I procrastinate until there is literally not enough time to complete the task at hand and fall short on many of the things that I would otherwise like to do. I find that when I get off my ass and stop procrastinating, I am generally happier and much more productive.

Justifying- While akin to procrastinating, I feel that justifying needs in own bullet, because while I constantly justify my procrastination, I also justify many other bad things in my life and am worse off because of it. I do my best to immediately identify myself as justifying as soon as I start so that I don't lead myself down any paths that I may regret. Justifying is probably one of the hardest for me to correct, because it sounds so good in your head.

Worrying- I have a terrible habit of worrying about the future. What I have to realize and teach myself is that worrying and causing myself anxiety will not help the future in any way. I need to live each day for the present and always remember to work hard and make good moral decisions and the future will be even better than the present.

Hurrying- This one mainly applies to driving. I think this one is a sure sign of me maturing, but over the last year or so, I have begun to comprehend the risk involved with driving. Although I care for my own life and treasure it dearly, I must also remember that everyone else on the road is in danger when I drive dangerously.

Staying up late- How much can I really accomplish after midnight? Unless I am intentionally staying up because I am out with friends or doing something with purpose, staying up late is extremely counter-productive. I often find myself staying up late just for the hell of it and looking at mindless things on the internet. Not only did I get nothing of value done during this time, I am robbing myself of energy for the next day and making the next day just as unproductive.

I hope these open your eyes to some of the bad habits you may have in your life but don't totally realize it. The first step to correcting any problem is to identify it.

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Adventure Awaits Ladies

I'd like to start off by saying that today was an extremely busy day. I woke up late with a ton of things to do, went to class and bought a car all before three o clock. Buying a car is a lot of work. And costs an absolute ton of money. I now have more respect for anyone who has done the used car process and lived to talk about it (metaphorically and financially.)

Today an old friend contacted me, asking me if I would take her on a date. Not just any date. For her psychology class she is required to go out on a creative date with someone whom she has gone on previous dates with. She also agreed to pay.

Are you kidding me?!?!

This is amazing. How often does a pretty girl ask you to take her out on a cool date, something you'll both probably enjoy, and offers to pay? This is a dream come true.

Now call me a hopeless romantic but I love going on good dates with girls I enjoy talking to. As I go through life, I am constantly coming up with random things that I'd like to go do with cool girls.

Some dates I've done in the past:

Cliff jumping- While being mildly dangerous, cliff jumping is a good way to get people out of their shell a little bit and is super exhilarating. Not for the feint of heart or for self conscious girls.

Hiking- Hiking is always fun because you can talk to each other, but your both doing something so there isn't any awkward staring or weird times when talking isn't aloud (like movies.)

Kayaking- Kayaking was super fun. It gets you out and experiencing great weather over the water and gives something to do to prevent awkwardness.

Science Center- Sounds lame I know, but think about it. I went with a cool girl who had a sense of wonder and was comfortable with her self enough to show it. Finding common ground with your nerdy sides can be super beneficial.

Comedy Show- Going to a comedy show was great. I love being able to see live talent and it gives you something to laugh about. Being able to laugh together is always important.

As you can see, my dates tend to follow a certain trend. I like to go out and experience the world. I like to experience new things and to be able to share something fun with someone. While a movie can be cool with someone you already know, or someone your just trying to kiss, (refer to kissing post) they aren't very recreational and you really have no time to learn anything about that person.

If you don't have a sense of adventure, your not the girl for me. I need someone who has a sense of adventure and a sense of wonder. Also must be a bit of a geek.

Dates I'd like to try: 

Bungee Jumping- When I find the girl who will jump off of a bridge with me, I will know that I've found true love. I've never been bungee jumping but I'm planning on going as soon as I get the time and money. Bringing a cool girl along for the drive and the jump would be an amazing addition to an already cool trip.

Theatre- Not like a movie theatre, a professional theatre where we can see a romantic play and really enjoy the purity of live acting.

Picnic- EPIC PICNIC! Picnic on the top of camelback mountain or somewhere cool like that. Enjoy a glorious meal of adventure with a side of victory.

Dancing- I know this isn't first date material, but I would love to take a lady out dancing. Cool dancing, not club dancing. Maybe even take some lessons. Wouldn't square dancing be fun?

Anyone have any other date ideas?

For this creative date assignment, I've decided to take her up to Payson, Arizona and hike through the natural land bridge at Tonto national monument. It's a beautiful area, where we can climb, explore and maybe lay down a small picnic with some easy snacks. It isn't too advanced so I don't have to worry about her failing or getting hurt.

Any adventurous ladies out there?!?!
Lets go on a date!

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EDIT: This blog just broke 1000 views. While that is miniscule compared to the real bloggers out there, I'd like to thank everyone who has been reading and following along with what I have to say. You guys are awesome. Give me some feedback!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Be Honest

Honest people are hard to come by.

Has any of you ever purchased a used car? No one who sells their used car is totally honest. If your honest to the ones you love but are dishonest to a stranger can you really call your self an honest person?

One day about two months ago, I was having a heart to heart with my boss. For those of you that don't know, I work at Cold Stone and have about two and a half years of experience at the Gilbert/Germann location. My boss is a 68 year old, ex marine who has lived a tough life but punched adversity in the face and rose up to provide a good living for his children. When he says something, people listen. After about two hours of us talking about business, life and women, I asked him "You know you could have done big things, you worked in the car industry for thirty years and was super successful, why didn't you open a car dealership?" He looked at me and shed some pretty dense wisdom, he said "I consider myself a pretty honest person and selling things to people is generally all about how dishonest you can be."

From what I have experienced so far, I find this to be pretty true.

"So has the car ever had any accidents?"
"Oh no, car is very good, no crash" (funny accent)
-Carfax report says its been in a head on collision-

People value their honesty less when it comes to selling their items.
Cars are a perfect example of this because of all of the different things that could go wrong with cars and the amount of money people have invested in them.

I'm currently in the market for a used vehicle and if any of you have been in my shoes you will testify that it is brutal. Everything is over priced, no one speaks english, and everything under ten thousand dollars has some serious issue you need to address.

Anyone have a quality used car their trying to get rid of?
Anyone have any tips for buying a used car?

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Take Life Slow

1. The purpose toward which an endeavor is directed; an objective.

We are constantly setting goals in life wether we realize it or not. We say things like "I'd like to go on vacation to San Diego next month." Going to San Diego, laying on the beach, soaking up some rays, that is your objective.

Goals can be good or bad. All depending on what you value in life and what your trying to achieve.

Healthy goal example - "I'd like to gain five pounds of muscle over the next two weeks."
Unhealthy goal example - "I can't wait to get so high on crack tonight"

It is important that we set goals in our life and are continually striving to reach our personal goals.

What we need to avoid is a sense of goal infatuation. How many times have you said something like "I can't wait to graduate"? While this may seem harmless, in reality your wishing your time away. We need to be sensitive to the fact that this life is short. We need to cherish all of the time we have instead of focusing so much on a goal that we lose track of time.

This is a constant problem in my life.

I go to work five days a week. I go to school five days a week. I have become to busy that if I don't keep track of my life, it will pass without any recollection of where the time has gone. I don't want to wake up one day when I'm old and gray (there are two ways to spell grey) and say "Where did the time go?"

Do some thing memorable everyday. This thirty day challenge is doing it for me.

Writing a post every day is helping to keep my life in perspective. It's helping me to live my life day by day, instead of living for a goal and doing my best to speed up its achievement.

So go ahead, set goals for yourself, but don't forget that the coolest part of any achievement is the journey and adventure that you had along the way.

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Friday, September 23, 2011

Peace One Day

I have recently become infatuated with TED videos. TED is nonprofit organization that focuses on spreading ideas. They hold conferences every year in several locations across the world and have speakers who specialize in awesome things come and talk about their ideas.

If you want to check out TED go to:

Check out some videos.
You will learn something, I promise.

Today I was browsing through some of the "TED talks" videos and came across what seemed like a generic hippie, world peace video, and to my surprise, it was just another hippie, peace video, but it had some serious direction and some insanely ambitious people behind it so I'd like to share it.

If you want to check out the video I'm referring to, you can click this link

The video is seventeen minutes long so I really don't expect anyone to watch it all but the basic premise is that this man, Jeremy Gilley has worked his ass off to convince the whole world to cease fire for one day every 21st of September.

-In 2001 the idea was proposed to the United Nations general assembly and unanimously accepted.

While it was a great accomplishment, officially adding an international cease fire day to the calender, not everyone respects such dates. Underground forces are now Gilley's target. He aims to receive backing from rebel forces such as ELN and the Taliban.

-Immediately after a trip to Afghanistan, Gilley's received a letter from the Taliban, informing him that they intend to comply.

As a result of this small window of opportunity, 1.6 million children were vaccinated against polio that year on the 21st. of september.

I'm not much of a world peace nut, but I can recognize a good cause when I see one and I understand that in order for this cause to be successful it must be recognized universally.

So I have done my duty of sharing with you.
Go tell someone about it!

About 50 people will read this today.
If you everyone tells one other person, this idea will spread like a wildfire.

Now go watch some TED talks.
They will blow your mind!!

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Tell me which one you watched and I'll take a look!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I love College

I actually enjoy going to my classes. It was a rare occurrence when I would wake up in the morning and be excited to go to one of my high school classes. Even though I'm only taking the required prerequisite classes, I wake up in the morning excited to go. I yearn to share my opinion, to learn from my professors, and from my peers.

Is it the same at a University?

It has been explained to me that professors at universities are not just professors, they are researchers. Their primary function is to conduct their research. At the community college (as lame as it sounds) my professors only teach. They come to work every day with the sole purpose of furthering my education. I'm receiving one on one time that I can't imagine is possible at a university. At least not in undergrad work. I understand that as classes become more specialized, they tend to be smaller.

Everyone tells me that Community College is like HighSchool 2.0

I really don't understand how they have come to that conclusion. What freedoms were they looking for in a college experience that they aren't receiving? Is it desirable to get lost in a crowd?

From what I have observed and experienced at the community college the differences between high school and community college are astronomical. Students are actually there to learn, professors actually treat you like an adult, the course load is challenging, and the resources are profound. The amount of free (technically inclusive) help provided is amazing.

I have almost 2 more years until I will be able to go out and experience Arizona State University. So I don't have much knowledge as to the day to day dynamics but I'm its way better, but if community college is what we are stuck with, then why not look at the positives involved with our situation.

This was not hating on ASU. I intend to go to ASU after my general credits are taken care of.
This was only to silence the people that hate on community college just because of the name.

This mainly applies to kids who go to community.

Anyone want to explain to me why ASU is better than Chandler/Gilbert?
Please include facts and support to your argument.

My general argument is this:

Attending community college for the first two years will save me over twelve thousand dollars, therefore it is a better option.

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Tell me why I'm wrong!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

When I'm dead (If This Was My Last Blog Post)

If I died today.

What would I be leaving behind? What would I regret?
Is there anything I would have wished I could have experienced?

Death is a gloomy subject. This post isn't meant to be.

I want my headstone to read:

Tyler Morian
"He left nothing behind"

I want to welcome death with open arms. I don't want any unfinished business. I don't want unspoken secrets, or any lingering regrets. I want that moment when my whole life flashes before my eyes to filled with joy. This life is shorter than we realize. The older I get, my more apparent it becomes that before I know it, days will fade in to weeks, weeks will fade in to months, months in to years, and soon it will all be gone.

But this isn't supposed to be a sad post!

So what I'd like to talk about is what I hope to accomplish before my day of indefinite departure and why they are important to me.

Find success - I have no idea what I want to do with my life. As of now I'm just living my life 110% and waiting to see what presents its self to me, but whatever I end up doing as a career, my only hope is that I can find a way to master it and continually push myself to greatness.

Experience the World - Living in the U.S. is like living in a bubble...from what I hear. I want to experience the world first hand. I want to see crisis first hand and help to serve those who are in need.

Raise a Family - This is probably every young man's dream. I want to teach them how to throw a baseball, learn patience as they learn how to drive, and eventually either walk her down the aisle, or shake his hand as he tells me that he has found the one and has asked her to marry him.

Build Relationships - I want to love and befriend as many people as I can before I go. Everyone has something to teach me and I want to learn it all.

Build Wisdom - I want to learn everything that this world has to teach me, in order to grow and mature as a person, and be able to communicate this knowledge down to others.

I'm sure as I grow older this list will change. It's probably the most vague bucket list anyone has ever written. Maybe I'll even write a formal bucket list in the future. If I can manage the things on this list, I think I'll be in good shape.

I'm going to try to spice it up for tomorrow's post. I need to take a break from such serious topics.
Anyone have any ideas for a good, opinionated list that I could create for tomorrow?

Maybe music.

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I'm a failure

I've failed you, and I've failed myself. I knew this day would come. I went all day without posting. I knew that at some point in my thirty day adventure I would slip up. Yesterday was a busy day I will admit but I still feel like I have broken my streak and therefore have no more purpose as a blogger.

Is this defeat?
Should I just give up now?

I think not. I think I should follow through with this. Follow through is one of my biggest downfalls. My mind is constantly streaming good ideas that I swiftly put in to action but am usually quick to get bored with and eventually totally forget about. I was once told by someone with a similar personality, that she likes to refer to it as being a "fixator." I think of wonderful ideas and at a moments notice can be totally dedicated to it, but within days, sometimes weeks if it's super cool, will be totally bored with it.

This applies to several things

Workout plans
Self help techniques
Future purchases

I find something that at the time seems like the best thing for me, and infatuate myself with it and within a short time lose all interest. Most of the time these things would be really great if I could really make them a part of my daily life instead of just a temporary thing. If I could follow through with a few of these things, instead of spreading myself out unevenly over many things, I could really better myself.

My new approach to solving this fixation problem is this thirty day method. I came across this thirty day program while browsing the web and was pretty impressed. If you'd like to see the video I found you can check out this link

The basic idea is that thirty days is a perfect amount of time to either, create a good habit, or subtract a bad one. So take something small that you've always wanted to do, and do it for thirty days. If you dedicate to it, you will find your self doing it naturally and really enjoy it.

My goal has been to post every day for thirty days. Wether it be quality material or it be my personal ramblings. This is only my tenth post and I can tell you that I have never enjoyed writing this much. I no longer associate writing with negativity and am more confident with my words and organizing thoughts on paper. Even though I missed yesterdays post, I don't think the best recovery method would be to quit entirely. Deep down I think I am just trying to prove to myself that I can follow through with something. Hopefully this one will stick.

Anyone have a good topic for me?
Anyone else suck at follow through?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Family Matters

I live my life in a bit of a bubble.
I overprotect myself from any discomfort that friendships and relationships might cause.
I have always been quick to end any relationship.
I undervalue friendship.

This is a current problem. Not one that I can reflect on and be happy that I've solved. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I have always been more comfortable severing ties with someone, than actually solving the issues between us.

In some ways, this may be a good quality to have, but in most ways I see it as a hinderance to true happiness.

I have for a long time relied on a personal motto -
"We are young, if your relationship with someone else is bringing you more pain than pleasure, do not try to salvage it, dismiss it."

I have been saying this to myself, and to others as far back as I can remember. It's only recently that I've begun to question it. Maybe its a part of growing up. I'm finding myself caring more for others. Mostly my family and very close friends.

I grew up without much family. I think that contributes to my lack of motivation in interpersonal relationships. I had my brothers, but they were all busy living their own lives. I had my aunts, but at times, they seem less united than my brothers. If I were to hold a family reunion, it would consist of less than fifteen people. Either because they would not come, or because they also undervalue our relationships. Through everything, I have had my mother. She has been the only constant family but she couldn't care less about her relationships with others. It clearly rubbed off on me.

How do you solve a problem like this?
How do you change your entire outlook on friendship, relationships, and family?

I think the core of the issue here is that I'm afraid to put myself out there. I am afraid to risk the chance of loss and would rather preemptively protect myself.

As I grow older I see the importance of family. Not just my blood relatives, but the people that have been there along the way. I really feel like having been around through the whole experience of my niece and nephew growing up has changed my perspective on things. I love those kids with everything I am and always want to be there for them. I think it is this love that has brought this revelation.

I have identified the problem. Now it's time to fix it.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"God Damn Phonies"

Anyone read The Catcher in the Rye? Most people either love it or hate it.

The book follows a short portion of a sixteen year old boy named Holden Caulfield's life. Holden is a perfect example of an antihero, people can either totally relate to him, or think he's just a big baby. He walks through life with a terrible attitude towards the people around him, thinks everyone is out to get him, and is always lonely. He constantly calls everyone "phony" because he thinks that everyone is out to get him, or only interested in themselves.

The first time I read it, I loved it. I read the whole book comparing myself to Holden and constantly feeling like he was just like myself. Not that I have a poor attitude towards other people, but I often find myself a little bit down on the inside and felt like Holden was that part of me.

After processing the book, and talking to one of my teachers about some of the symbolism involved and some of the deeper meanings, I realized that this book was written to relate to me, at that perfect age and maturity. During our teenage years, it is easy to feel like we are alone. We have parents, we have our friends, but we never feel like anyone truly understands us. I know my early teenage years were plagued with loneliness. Not because I had any special issues, or because I am chronically depressed, but because of my age. I now see that almost every teenager feels like this. It is normal to feel sad sometimes when your a teenager. With puberty taking hold, our bodies are changing so fast that, at times our emotions can be simply erratic.

When I read the book now, I identify Holden as that sad, immature, antihero. I see that he only feels that way because of his age, not because he has a magical perspective on life that applies to so many. Reading the book helped me to identify these faults in my own personality. I see that while most people really are only out to benefit themselves, that, that is OK. It is just as self-centered to think that everyone else is out to harm you.

I think every teen should read The Catcher in the Rye. Not because they have to, to pass some class, but because, for some, it can be a great tool for self improvement.

Anyone else read the book?
Anyone else feel this way?

Know of any serious phonies?
Talk shit about them in the comments.
They will probably never see it.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

DGAF....didn't get the job

We all know that douche that won't pull his pants up. We all know that guy that won't look you in the eye when he talks, or the person that walks with such lack of confidence that they almost look like they're doing their best to hide from a judging eye.

Anyone come to mind? Could this be you?

First impressions are more important than most people think. The first thirty seconds of any interpersonal relationship can make or break a deal, earn or forfeit the job your interviewing for, maybe even lose out on the chance with that perfect girl.

Sometimes we get so caught up in impressing our peers that we don't really realize how others may be perceiving us. The trends that we follow can some times be so ridiculous and obscure that although we think it's OK, adults look at us as hoodlums. I know I'm probably going to get shit for saying that, but it's true. How adults perceive us is important. Adults have the resources to make our lives very easy, or very hard. Walking around with the "DGAF" attitude, is more that just immature, it's short sighted. I like to think of it as tunnel vision when teenagers think like this. Kids walk around like they don't care, when in reality, they do care. They care about what school they get into. They care about what job they get. They care about how much money they live to make.

When I conduct an interview a work, the first thirty seconds almost always determines your success. So although I may not be the most seasoned interviewer, I think I'm qualified to give a few pointers, that if applied should improve your chances of success, with friends, with work, with life in general.

Stand up straight - Fix that slouch, at least during the interview. We naturally make several assumptions about people who don't mind their posture. Slouching can make people seem lazy, insecure, and overall less confident. So take the time to mind your posture.

Look me in the eye - This has a disclaimer attached to it. It is pretty common knowledge that if you are trying to impress someone, you should act confident and look them in the eye. This is not a staring contest. It is easy to see when someone is uncomfortable and nervous while attempting to look someone else in the eye. I see this way too often. Either someone can't maintain eye contact, or stares you down like your an axe murderer.

Firm handshake - The keyword is firm. Do not offer me a dead fish hand. Dead fish hand is a deal breaker. Do not try to break my hand. Excessive squeezing is not going to impress me. All it communicates is that you have some sort of masculinity complex and are trying too hard. Keep it firm.

Maintain communication - Short answer can be very informative, but they do not communicate your personality. Anytime you're trying to make a first impression you should try to elaborate on your answers. I want to get to know who you are, not just the simple answer to the question I asked you. Not maintaining conversation puts a lack of self confidence on full display. If you are truly self confident, you will have no problem putting yourself out there a little bit.

Dress for success - Take care of your self. There is no reason to dress like a hoodlum. Your pants do not look better when sagging. You shirt does not look good wrinkled. Your fake gold chain does not make you look rich. Dress like an adult, get treated like an adult.

I hope these help! If someone came in to an interview with these traits, I would hire them immediately and probably try to be friends with them. People are drawn to confident people. These traits shouldn't just be a front for an interview. Take these tips and make them a part of who you are.

I like this one. Let me know what else to write!

Have any other tips and tricks for first impressions?
Let us know, Leave a comment!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Set A Standard

Everyone wants to be successful. We all want to live in a beautiful house, drive a cool car and lay down next to an attractive spouse every night. As kids, we all thought we would have these things. They all seem so attainable. We just assume that, like every other aspect of our lives, it would just fall in to place. Things would just happen for us because we are blessed. We have been blessed with everything that we have, from our cell phones, to the clothes on our backs, but it's only by chance that we were born in this insanely blessed country and have so much opportunity before us. 

What I'm slowing learning is that nothing in life is going to come easy. The car, the house, the lovely lady, it's all going to take work. I'm not going to be able to manage these things unless I work my ass off to get them.

I've lived my whole life, up until recently, thinking I could continue to do the bare minimum and have the life that I expect. I have been living under the impression that I am some special circumstance and will definitely be successful, only because of who I am. Well I call bullshit...on my self. I am slowing coming to realize that if i want to be successful, I need to work hard, every single day to better myself. I need to strive for excellence in every aspect of my life or I will miss my target.

We live in a society that creates a false standard for adulthood. We live these teen/young adult years as if they bear no consequence, when what we don't realize is that we are building habits for the future. In gods eyes we are already men and women. He doesn't hold us to a lower standard just because we are so sheltered from real life. We need to work hard every single day so that when our version of adulthood comes around, we will be conditioned to work hard and success will flow naturally from that. 

I have subconsciously set a standard for myself. I am learning the value of hard work and the importance of my studies. I go to school now and I aim to learn. I work to absorb every shred of knowledge that they can provide me. I know I'm going to need it. I am a firm believer that it is the little things in life that build who we are. So if I can strive for excellence with daily things, the big things in life will come naturally.

This was a little more self reflective than some of my other posts, but I wanted to get these thoughts out on paper. Sometimes talking about stuff like this help me to organize it in my own mind.

I'm really having a great time writing these and I'm getting a lot more views than I could have ever expected so thanks to anyone that takes the time to read.

Leave me a comment! 
Let me now what you think!
Anyone else struggling to find a sense of responsibility?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kissing (God That Was Terrible)

Kissing. According to "", the lips are 100 times more sensitive than the tips of the fingers and the average person spends two weeks of their life kissing. So it come as no surprise that kissing is a large part of a relationship.

Well I'm gonna just come out and be honest about this people.
Bad kissing is a deal breaker.

There is no excuse for being a bad kisser. At this age we have all had a few kisses and have had time to work out the kinks but time and time again I find myself locking lips with girls who already had it going well enough to get my attention and have gotten me wound up enough to dive in but suck so bad that I can't wait to be free of their utterly uncoordinated lips. We've all been there. I'm not trying to boost my ego here. Trust me my ego is already to big (a flaw that I continually strive to keep in check). My only theory as to why someone could be a bad kisser at this age, is that they do not realize that it is a problem. It is a problem. No one wants to be stuck kissing someone who they don't enjoy kissing. It just isn't polite.

So to help solve this problem for myself and for the rest of mankind, I've devised a list of common mistakes and tips to prevent them.

I would like to start this by saying that everyone kisses differently. No two kissers are the same. We all have things that we prefer the other person to do and we all have techniques that we enjoy using. The point of this article is discourage you from those things. Not indefinitely but at least at first.

Start slow- Starting out too fast is a serious mistake. Unless you have kissed this person before this is weird as hell. Someone comes at you like a freight train, and it's hectic and probably kind of sloppy. Its a recipe for disaster. So start slow. Slow is passionate. This is a common thing that I have heard girls complain about, so slow it down guys. This isn't a competition.

Moderation- Everything is good in moderation. This also applies to tongue. I DO NOT WANT YOU TO CHOKE ME WITH YOUR TONGUE. That is just going to piss me off. This is not attractive and will be a huge turn off if we haven't been kissing each other for quite a while. Be light with the tongue but please do not mistake this as a reason not to use tongue.

Timid Tongue- Not using tongue is almost as unacceptable as using too much. If we are kissing for more that a second, there needs to be some motion going on. You know, the opening and closing of the mouth, but what is the real point of this motion if our tongues aren't touching? We just put our mouths together and open and close them simultaneously? Well I will be the first to point out that that shit is boring.

Not Swallowing- Kissing can be quite the sloppy motion if you don't take advantage of the moments when your mouth is closed to swallow some of that saliva. I don't want to go in to too much detail but I've kissed a non-swallower before and I can not say it was pretty. And I also cannot say that it was very high on my list of things to do after I learned of her kissing ignorance.

I know that this post will not change the world, but I can only hope that some pretty girl reads this and begins to question her ability or recognizes one of these four problems and works to fix it. They say that the first step to fixing any problem is to identify that you actually have a problem. So before you dive in for a smooch next time, keep these tips in mind and after some time you and your smooch-buddy will find what works for you.

Anyone else have a kissing pet-peeve or know of someone that sucks at kissing and want to post it on the internet for everyone to see?
Leave a comment.

I'm starting to get some really great input on what to write about but I am no where near 30 so keep 'em coming!

25 posts to go!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Best High School Date I Never Had

Its quite often that I wonder if I'll ever be able to find a woman that I'm totally content with or if in some way, may it be large or small, I will be settling for less than I had hoped for. Women please do not take this the wrong way. I do not think I am hot shit and can get whatever girl I want. I do not think any less of women as I do of men. I just think that my childhood (and adulthood) has been filled with too many romance movies and too many beautifully photoshopped women in the media that my standards have been set unrealistically high and that no real person will be able to meet them.

Take a look at what we've been fed our whole lives. 

My idea of love is finding a girl that I believe is way out of my league and for some reason still being able to woo her with little effort and riding off into the sunset with her as the other guy sulks in the background because I have won. 

I can only guess that from what women have been fed (the same shit I've been processing) that their idea of a fairy tale relationship is a guy that is unbelievably handsome and won't stop until the ends of the earth in order to have her, while she nonchalantly ignores his affections until one day he gets heroic and she can't help but give it up.

The movies have created an unrealistic version of love that I fear none of us will be able to attain. In real life love looks more like waiting in line for feminine products or shitting with the door open. 

As I sit back and dream about picking up the Homecoming queen in my '67 Camaro and having an adventure filled night (without any awkward silences) and eventually kissing on the roof of the school we just broke in to, I slowly slide back in to reality and realize that this is never going to happen. 

So I pose the question.

Do I need to lower my standards, or do I need to stay determined to find the perfect girl under the perfect circumstances and have that perfect kiss in some illegal place?

...and another question....what the hell am I gonna write about tomorrow?!?!?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Five Guilty Pleasures

We all have things that we do that we aren't too proud of. Not like these things are absurd or immoral or weird (if your guilty please causes anyone else discomfort then please seek help) but we do them anyway, generally in the privacy of our own home and with that comfort that no one else will know. Well its time to let people know. Its time to spill the beans on my top five guilty pleasures and I encourage you to post a few yourself. DO IT!!

1.) World Of Warcraft - I'm a total nerd. I realize and accept this and pray to God that one day I can find a woman (to my standards) that accepts this too. I'm mostly a casual player and only play when I really have free time so don't expect to see me doing any hardcore raiding in the future, but I sometimes think the fact that I play and aren't all that great at it is almost worse than being a total pro and at least having people respect you for it online. 'Cause we know for damn sure I won't be getting any real-life respect for it.

2.) Children's Movies - I will man up and be honest when I tell you that I cried at the end of Disney/Pixar's movie "UP." Not during the sad parts, but during the end happy scene. Children's films have it down to a science and know exactly what it takes to tug at your heart strings and really reach down in to the core of our values and beliefs. Anyone who passes on a Children's movie thinks to highly of themselves.

3.) Craigslist - I could search Craigslist for hours if I was without distraction. I search endlessly for deals on things I'm really not interested in purchasing, only to be excited that I found a deal. I've been wanting to buy a new motorcycle for the last year or so and have probably spent more time looking at bikes on Craigslist than I will ever spend actually riding one. I know when I decided to purchase a used Fender Stratocaster, I must have had over 10 hours of online searching and at least 5 hours of real shopping accumulated before I even got close to buying. For some reason the thrill of the hunt somehow still applies to bargain shopping, even online.

4.) Snacks - Although I'm currently 6'1, 160 pounds, I know that the way I eat has a negative affect on my overall health. Just recently my mother was diagnosed with type two diabetes. I'm not claiming to be any sort of medical professional, but my understanding of type two diabetes is that it is generally self inflicted and can be prevent with a healthy diet. While my mother may appear healthy, being 5'8 and always under 150 pounds, her body has finally had enough of her diet. This is probably the most serious guilty pleasure but hey..... what kind of college student really cares about the long run.

5.) GLEE - I am a real GLEEK. As lame as that sounds I have watched every episode so far and honestly love every character. I think that is that only reason I can't bring myself to stop watching. I know that the same has done a bit downhill with season two. With all of the constant drama and the focus moving away from adversity and sliding more and more over to Curt's love life. I love the characters and rarely had trouble relating to them (everyone wants to be the underdog.)

Anyone have any guilty pleasure that come to mind when reading mine? Anything too lame to say out loud but cool enough to post here? Lets hear 'em!! 

28 more to go! I need things to write about! 

Future topic ideas:
Bad habits
Fast Food
When I'm dead (if this was my last blog post)
What scares the shit out of me
The Catcher in The Rye
Random songs that I absolutely love (and you will probably hate)
The Hunger Games
The best high school date I never had

What I Spend My money On

After a quick Google search "blog topics" I came across "100 Blog Topics I Hope You Write" and was inspired by a few. This first one focuses on a huge part of my life and I'm only assuming anyone else's who reads this... MONEY!  I'm terrible with money. America is terrible with money. The biggest problem I encounter when I look at my very sad bank statement is that I don't remember half of the purchases I make. Not because I'm a raging alcoholic or hooked on Methamphetamines, but because like most people with money problems, I'm constantly trying to instantly gratify myself. I find myself justifying my spending and regretting it later.
So, I have taken a new approach to spending. Instead of living like a child and spending whatever get my jollies off, I designate a certain amount of money to savings (money under no circumstances that I will spend) and to checking (money I don't want to spend, but will not affect me if I accidentally blow it all on asian hookers.)
At the end of the month I'm finding myself with excess in the checking and exactly what I planned on saving in the savings. The key to this new budget is to live like a reasonable adult instead of living like a irrational child. I'm doing my best to live like I'm poor so that in the future I can be rich, Instead of living like I'm rich and digging myself a hole.

My 3 Biggest Expenses: 

Going out on the weekend (and sometimes weekdays)

I firmly believe that the habits we create now will carry on with us until the day we die. I really dont want to create the kinds of financial habits that will keep me broke and pissed off about all the mysterious money that disappears.

Anyone have any budget tips, trick or just plain suck at budgeting?
Let me know!

By the Way I still need 29 more topics! 
What the hell should I write about next time?!?!

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Post!!!!! - My purpose

For anyone visiting that doesn't know me personally, My name is Tyler Morian. I was born and raised in a small town in Michigan and since my freshman year in high school, have lived in Chandler Arizona. I spend most of my time either at school or at work, but in my free time I play guitar, spend countless hours playing World of Warcraft with my older brother, and do my best to spend quality time with my friends and family.
I have always been interested in blogging but deep down inside have never felt myself a competent enough writer to write blogs that people would like to read and that I would like to post. So this blog is to destroy that fear. My goal is to write 30 posts over the next 30 days about real life topics, similar to those you would be assigned in high school, to improve myself as a writer and as a thinker.
My hope is that everyone that reads these posts will be motivated to comment. Wether it be a word of agreement or calling me out, I want to be argued and refuted in every way possible so that I may become more knowledgeable.
If anyone has a subject they would like me to write about feel free to leave a comment.